Lettera al presidente Obama Barack: “Il tempo è giunto di chiudere Guantanamo”

To the President Barack Obama
to The Vice-President Joe Biden
to the Secretary of State John Kerry

What still is expected to close Guantanamo?

What do you expect? The Pres. Obama had it already promised when he was elected the first time. This promise is still unfulfilled in front of the American people as before the whole world.

It is a question of justice.
Because Guantanamo is an unjust jail, in which one is locked up without trial.
A jail that is against the dignity and the right of the person, against his supreme rights
already enshrined in 1679 in England by the Habeas corpus, a law that for the first time condemned the habitual abuses of despotic rulers, abuses that were perpetrated since the ancient times, to lock people in prison – perhaps for life – without it would demonstrated their crime through a fair trial in which the defendant could defend itself and would be also defended.
This law is included in the Constitution of the United States and makes Guantanamo
a fact not only unjust, but illegal.

On 21 January 2009 the President signed an order of closing yes, but it has never been

What do you expect more? Is talk of huge expenses, but justice is priceless.

Lecce, 2013-06-27 – Prof. Arrigo Colombo – arribo@libero.it/ P

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