Bee buzz before the winter


perhaps they can only be drones


for so long & the shareholders in chemical companies


will use little paint brushes

to pollinate

all the plants

when the honey bees are gone?


landscape without orchards,


without allotments and meadows of wildflowers


collapse of web, broke nature’s threads.



flowers drip desire

intensify attraction, color, light and smell


call unheard


none of the expected visitors


where are the fuzzy yellow and black workers?


who will drink our nectar?


insect sense such a many-sided affair.



government scientists at their lab benches see 121 different pesticides in bees, wax and pollen.


how many different pesticides

found in human body?


breast milk,

water samples hold some clues.


intestinal flora are vital.


do they mean to suggest

insecticides are killing insects?


do they ever mean to suggest

insecticides & herbicides are killing us?



about 30% losses of commercial hives

each of the last four winters, approximately 76% lost so far.



a chemical causes plants to wither and die

what does the chemical attack do to bees?

what does the chemical residue do to our guts?



we want the bees to work for us


(apples, oranges, strawberries, onions, carrots

nuts, sunflowers, coffee, soy beans, clovers)


while making few concessions to benefit them



organic gardening way

holds bees as part of planet-scale living system


focus bee keeping on bee health

rather than a huge cash crop


good management & clever organic techniques


bee diseases controllable within complex environment


healthy planet alive with organisms that co-exist.


what’s the normal percentage of loss over a winter?

how quickly can bee numbers regenerate?

what’s the minimum number of bees needed?



sense is touch


sense is sorted knowing


sense is aware awake



perhaps we can be caretakers,


lifelong & the shareholders


with all-living beings


bees find flowers


land on us to rest their wings


honey sweet each new day



Alan Casline

October 27, 2010

Elsmere, New York



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