Alternative fuels (like “colza oil”) and the secrets of the hemp (also said “marijuana”) …

First of all, to not to be prosecutable for law and to avoid to write the next article from a jail, I have to give has to do a “special communication”.

The use of vegetable oils like the Colza Oil is submitted to payment o. For which, in base to the art. 21 of the legislative Italian Decree n. 504 of 26/10/1995, as fuel is taxed any other product destined to be used, put in sale or used as fuel or as additive to increase the final volume of the fuels. In base to the art. 40 of the Decree, have been being punished with the imprisonment for six months to three and with the fine from the double one to the decuple of the tax fugitive, not inferior in every case to 7.500 Euro, whoever destines products to subject uses to tax. The use of vegetable oils like the oil of colza without the payments of the tax it have to be punished.

Ok, Now I can start..

For a long time I felt like making things clear about the use of the alternative fuels “home-made”: do they work?

And does whoever say that doesn’t work it is for personal interest?

Behind, my friends there are everything; there is the history of the Marijuana, how it has become illegal, the wars for the petrol oil…my god.. here we going again …..the petrol oil.

From where do I have to start?

…. Hemp..

How it has become a grass illegal, a plant that doesn’t have stronger effects than doesn’t alcohol?

Did you know that the pain-killers damage has go higher level of addction?

Let’s start from the beginning

One of the more proliferates cultivation of the United States since 1700 was a plant from China 5000 years ago and apparently used by the men for 12000 years.

In 1763 to Refuse to Cultivate the Hemp in Virginia was considered, illegal…

In 1800 all the suits, sheets, laundry were made out of Hemp.

At the beginnings of 900, the United States created a plan that the all the paper have to be drawn by the Hemp to avoid the deforestation of the forests.

According to the Department of the agriculture, from 1 acrid of hemp is drawn equivalent of paper of 4,1 acrid of trees…

Even the varnishes were produced by the hemp. But the beautiful one comes now.

The first one T-car built by Henry Ford, was fed to Hemp Oil, also the whole car was made of Hemp, the panels, the finishing touch, the resistance to the impact of materials drawn by the hemp is of 10 Times superior to that of the steel, it was 1937

Where we can found this car now?

In a museum…. at Detroit.

You may wonder how come that instead of making the war to the Irakenis for the oil, we don’t use the cultivable hemp in Every Part Of the World for its deep adaptability.

The Dupont, in collaboration with the Rockfeller (Rockfeller will become the richest man of the world after a few time), discover that from the oil was possible make the same materials could be realized drawn by the hemp, also useful as a fuel, and being already rich and powerful persons and oil owners, Dupont and Rockfeller, decided that the Hemp had to vanish.

The principal shareholder of the Dupont was Andrew Mellon (in the picture with the moustache) , that.. casually.. became secretary of the Treasure while his son-in-law; Harry J. Anslinger (in the picture with the heat) becomes head chief of FBI department narcotics and dangerous drugs; what coincidence isn’t it?

Another person involved was the publishing Hears, owner of plantations of lumber, that being afraid that the hemp could replaced the cellulose it contributed to the popularization of its false dangerousness with the publication of unfounded articulates.

With subterfuges and secret meetings among Heads of State, Ministers, Heads of the Department of Internal Revenue it was decided to consider Illegal the cultivation of the Hemp, for the effects that the plant could have if smoked.

Obviously declaring it illegal wasn’t enough, therefore they used the communications of mass to divulge the dangerousness of the effects, they also found it a new name, a word of the Mexican slang: ‘marihuana.’

Our powerful friends, introduce the proposal to the congress and others even more powerful friends let it pass, results: in 1937 the Marijuana becomes illegal and is also banished for all the medical purposes, the fear of an alternative to the oil was so strong, that a series of documentary film to frighten the people was releas, it’s enough to read some title:

‘Reefer Madness (1936),

‘Marijuana: Assassin of Youth (1935)

‘Marijuana: The Devil’s Weed (1936).

The alcohol ended the era of the prohibitionism became legal, because taxed by the state, the hemp cultivations were destroyed.

To this intention there is a beautiful documentary italian film of Daniele Mazzocca and Cristiano Bortone that well explains the history: Forbidden grass (2002)


Are there cars that go to Hydrogen to solar Energy, and they that obviously cost as much as private Jet, but do other usable alternative fuels already exist in our cars?

Apart the Hemp oil recently they are discovered other oils that can be used as a fuels, not polluting, and very economic.

One of these is the Colza oil, a seed very used in Asia and similar to the seed of sunflower; in Italy it was used in the 60’s for ” cheap fried” because much cheaper than the oil of seeds of sunflower.

The echo diesel is drawn by the oil of Colza, but it is everything except economic, then.. someone has tried.. to put directly the oil of colza in the Diesel motors,


internet respect to this is a Jungle, someone says yes; others says no, then I have decided to make things clear for you:

we speak about just the Diesel cars the one that working with gas-oil as fuel, that now become very expensive.

Theoretically and often practically, any fuel puts on in a diesel motor, it works, the only problems can concern some breakdowns or the operation of the car.

A lot are the people that are experimenting it, the results are these:

THE COLZA OIL is the most proper among between the various oils (seeds of sunflower, olive etc) and completely biodegradable

DON’T EVER PUT THE ONLY THE COLZA OIL in the car, it is necessary to mix it with the Gas-oil, the car would walk anyway, but you would take the risk to dirty the filters and the injectors and worse cause the breakup of the pumps of injection.

Problems should not be had mixing it;

start with a mixture of the 30% of oil of Colza and the 70% of gas-oil, till to reach the 50% but not over.

It’s better sometimes to use some additive for the cleaning of the injectors.

The testimonies are so many, this type of fuel adapts more to the “old” diesel, the cars built up to1999, but nobody has even found never problems on the new cars; there are witness that have been using the oil as fuel for 10 years on the same car without any problem.


The gas-oil has come to cost 1,380 cents of Euros per liter, the oil of colza can be found in the supermarkets (even if recently be become less available) discount to the price of 80 cents of euros per liter, which is not very convenient, but in some market-chains as LIDL can be found at 50 cents of euros and if bought from the producer (in Italy the most greater part are in Romagna) can cost 40 or 30 cents of euros per liter.

The question that I would like to ask without instigating anybody in the use of alternatives to the oil is:

Why in 1937 we had a car that worked with an ecological fuel and that would have avoided us at least about ten wars and instead in 2008 our planet does it risk to melt him in a bead of soap for the pollution?

Why in front of alternatives economically advantageous For Everybody, do we prefer to fight wars 13000 kms away from home for the oil that represents one of the most expensive expense for our families?

I am sure…you have got already all the answer……..


Angel Calianno


Source: ;;

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